Terms and Conditions
Canine Interaction will endeavour to create as safe an environment as possible for the training of my dog and will endeavour to offer only sound, safe, and responsible training and training instructions. However, I recognise that Canine Interaction is not responsible for any unintentional errors, omissions, or incorrect assertions. I understand that the recommendation of any other product or service is not a guarantee of my satisfaction with that product or service. Further, I am and will remain responsible for the actions of my dog at all times. I hereby agree to abide by the rules and policies of Canine Interaction training classes as set forth in this contract. I understand that attendance of dog training classes is not without risk to myself, members of my family, guests who may attend, or to my dog. In consideration of, and as inducement to the acceptance of my application for training membership in this training class, I hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless Canine Interaction, its officers, directors, instructors, agents, employees and/or representatives of any and all claims, or claims by any member of my family, or accompanying guests of mine of injury, expense, costs or damages to myself, my dog or any handler sponsored by me both in class and out of class. In addition, I agree that I will defend and indemnify Canine Interaction for any injury, expense, costs or damages to any dog handlers or dogs, whether sponsored by me or not, or to third parties arising out of my own actions or the actions of my dog. I have read the above-stated provisions, and agree to accept those responsibilities.
2.1 Payment Policy Classes: Canine Interaction requires payment of membership in full or by installments. Payment is available through Stripe including credit card and EFT. Without payment you will be unable to reserve a position in a class. Stripe may have additional charges that are not apart of Canine Interactions fees and charges.
Failure to complete an installment will cease access to bookings and if continued failure will result in membership being cancelled
2.1A. Payment by installments: Canine Interaction will automatically deduct the installment payment via Stripe. Agreeing to installments is authorising Stipe to act on behalf of Canine Interaction, to debit my credit card.
2.2 Payment Policy Consults/Service Dogs: Invoices will be created and must be paid by due date. This can be via Stripe using credit card or EFT. Invoices can also be sent to your NDIS manager.
NDIS Payment Terms (if applicable)
Canine Interaction is happy to be able to offer NDIS charging to our clients. In order to do this we recommend that you have spoken to your Plan Manager or Support Coordinator to ensure that your plan will support the payments.
We will charge under Individual Skills Building/Animal Assisted Mentoring/Accessing Community
We will be covering goals:
Accessing the community
Building on social skills
Community Participation
Life Skills
Please provide confirmation that you are aware that payment will need to be made if NDIS refuse to pay your invoices.
3. A) Cancellation Policy: Cancellation of membership without attendance a refund will be issued at 75%. Once attendance has commenced Canine Interaction will offer to hold the membership or discuss options to re-allocate the funds to a more suitable service eg Home Consults, but no refund will be offered.
3. B) Diamond membership has a minimum term of 3mths. This membership will auto renew for the 3months, following this you can opt to cancel the membership at any time, or allow auto renew to continue so you can participate in ongoing training with your dog.
3. C) Rescheduling In Home Consultations: Canine Interaction understands that life happens. When you purchase a In Home Consultation package you are given 1 reschedule to use if needed. If additional reschedules are required there will be a $50 charge if less than 1 week notice is received. This is due to the difficulty in being able to refill your appointment time and that we then also need to take another time slot to book your next appointment.
If you have any particularly difficult personal situations that may affect our appointments, please discuss this with Canine Interaction prior to booking as we can work with you to prevent any charges needing to be applied.
3. D) Cancelling consults: If cancelling a session for those participating in the NDIS/Service Dog programs we will only charge 50% of the fee. This is to cover our time and missed opportunity for other appts to be booked. The first occurrence of this will result in a reminder before being charged.
4. Class Rules: Canine Interaction uses only Force Free / Positive Reinforcement training methods. We DO NOT use harsh methods, choker chains or Slip collars or any method or training device that is designed to frighten, intimidate or harm dogs. By signing/accepting these conditions you agree to use this philosophy and method while training or visiting the club.
5. A) Class Cancelations: Due to Weather, Illness or other circumstances Canine Interaction may need to cancel a class. The way our classes run as drop in allows our members to attend at another time (or multiple times) that week. However, if the whole week is cancelled Canine Interaction will apply credits to everyone affected. These credits can be used when your membership expires. If you are only able to attend 1 session a week and that session is cancelled you can claim your credit by contacting Canine Interaction.
5. B) Absences: Each client is given the option of adding credits for absence once (1) per month for a max of 1 week. If there is additional absences Canine Interaction welcomes you to contact to see if additional credits can be issued. E.G. If your dog is unable to attend for 2 weeks due to surgery.
5.C) Covid: Canine Interaction values everyone’s safety and will issue credits to allow you to stay home and recover while keeping our staff and members safe. This can be above the once per month limitation.
6. Assistance Dog Training Addendum
You agree to abide by all local, state and federal laws in regards to Assistance dogs and assistance dogs in training.
You understand that temperament, behavior and health of dogs can change. Your dog may be found not to be suitable to work as a service dog. This could happen at any time during the training process, even after your dog has started working as a assistance dog.
You understand that communication with your assistance dog trainer is important, and you agree to respond to our emails and phone calls as promptly as possible, but no later than within one week.
You are able to participate in training, reviews or virtual sessions at a minimum of monthly. Additional sessions will benefit your progress. Please ensure your budget allows for these sessions before commencing. Each in person training session is 60min at $105. Reviews and Virtual sessions prices will vary depending on the session, these will not be more than the $105.
You agree to provide a letter from a licensed healthcare provider who is qualified to treat your disability (i.e. a medical specialist like a neurologist, rheumatologist) indicating that you have a disability and need an assistance dog.
You will continue to receive appropriate treatment from a licensed, qualified healthcare professional.
We may need to communicate with your healthcare provider or rehabilitation professional regarding your training or use of a assistance dog. You agree to facilitate this communication, including signing waivers or other documentation to facilitate the communication.
You agree to consult with a veterinarian or veterinary specialist if our trainer recommends this to ensure your use of your assistance dog is appropriate and safe for your dog.
You agree to follow our trainer’s recommendations in regards to working/taking/training your dog in places pets are not permitted.
We reserve the right to discontinue providing services if you do not follow our policies, if our trainer determines your dog’s behavior or health is inappropriate for assistance work, if, for any reason our trainer believes our services are not the right fit for your needs, or if an unforeseen situation or event makes it difficult or impossible for our trainer to continue providing services. No refunds for services already provided will be given should this occur.
Snake Program: Affiliate Program Terms: